
Find Your Elected Officials

Federal and State Officials:

Enter address & zip, press return, and scroll down

Cortland County Elected Officials:

From the Cortland County Board of Elections

Useful Contacts

Cortland County Board of Elections

112 River Street, Room 103

Cortland, NY, 13045

Phone: (607) 753-5032

New York State Board of Elections

40 North Pearl Street - Suite 5

Albany, NY, 12207

Phone: (518) 474-6220

Find Any and All Cortland County Elected Officials

VOTE411’s Voter Guide is a national, non-partisan election resource that provides a “one-stop shop” for election related information, including when, where, and how to vote, in-person or with an absentee ballot.

Using WWW.VOTE411.ORG voters can simply enter their home address to learn which elections are being held within their specific districts. Information on each candidate, including their background, and responses to questions on their priorities and issues of concern to voters, are also available.

Launched as a community service in 2006 by the League of Women Voters, VOTE411 has helped people participate in elections, whether they are first-time voters or seasoned veterans at the ballot box. Voters can simply enter their home address to learn which elections are being held within their specific district and they can browse by state to explore other election resources. 

Every election is different, and VOTE411 provides the up-to-date information needed for each election, including how to register; candidate profiles; early and absentee voting opportunities; and election day polling places, dates and times. 

In addition, VOTE411 includes information on public forums and debates. To find information on local forums hosted by the League, click here.